Sunday, January 29, 2006


It's just dirt

Contractor speak: "You've got to maintain the integrity of the grade around the perimeter of your property. This is best done by periodically replenishing the natural barriers associated with drainage."

Translation: I bought some top soil and wood chips at Home Depot to fill spaces around our lemon tree after heavy rains in December and January.

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Differences of Opinion

Caroline to Hunter: "How much do we want to spend on a runner carpet for the hallway?"

Hunter's thinks this, imagines Caroline thinks this. Neither one thinks of this, although maybe this.

Monday, January 23, 2006



I don't know what this is - a small Asian pear? I'm holding out hope that it's a hybrid fruit - two of the best edibles i've ever consumed were baby kiwis (think grape sized kiwis with a slick instead of fuzzy skin) and mango nectarines (orange tangy fleshed handfruit).

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Saturday Night's Alright for Weatherstripping

After coming back from Caroline's co's post-holiday party last night I returned to my favorite new hobby - a little bit of weatherstripping. Bob Villa I am not, but neither am I Walter Fielding Jr.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


NYer Brunch

Just finished hosting the every-other-month New Yorker brunch (some attendees pictured above). When started a few years back, we'd diligently discuss New Yorker articles and current events. Now it's just more of an excuse for ~15 friends to get together and hang out. Although this time we did give cover recent NYer topics of feral pigs and the American train grid.

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Waiting for Larry

From Friday afternoon, a few minutes before audience was let in for the Google CES Keynote. Larry Page delivered a unique keynote, no small help from Robin Williams. People seemed to like it.

Monday, January 02, 2006


Sleepy Three Year Old

No the prone boy with the attentive mother isn't suffering from anything more severe than Xmas overload. Caroline and I had another fun holiday with her sister's family (and their four! kids). Now back in wet CA.

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