Sunday, September 04, 2005
Bottle #2: BV Carneros with Vicki and Jeff
Bottle #2 in our Fill the Wine Rack mission was a BV Carneros, from the BV Winery. CB and I consider this to be one of our 'wedding wines,' given that our wedding site was owned by the BV Winery family.
This bottle was shared over lunch with Jeff and Vicki Fields, good friends of my family who were visiting the Bay Area from Great Neck. Besides just generally liking Jeff and Vicki, we knew that we had to treat them right so they could report back to my parents with a satisfactory message.
Thoughtfully Vicki brought us an agricultural housewarming gift - some lovely squash, fresh corn, farmer's market honey and assorted other goodies. In return we gave them two lemons from our tree - one for them and one for my mom. When life gives you lemons, you give them away.