Sunday, September 11, 2005
Bottle #3: Mike and Alice

Bottle #3 was quickly consumed by Mike, Alice and Caroline - I had just taken some Tylenol for jaw pain and didn't want to mix alcohol with drugs (note to self - make sure that last part isn't taken out of context at some work event).
Mike and I first met in 1995 - we both labored at the same mgmt consulting firm out of undergrad. But our friendship really formed during grad school as we ended together up at Stanford, and as roommates during our first year. He's a solid guy who, despite his success in the Internet industry, really just wants to be a writer. Alice is his neat girlfriend of about seven months. She's originally from Pittsburgh and came to SF via NYC via Cornell. Her friends call her 'Ice.'
We had them over before heading to a friend's engagement party in Russian Hill. The host had a video installation piece - those always freak me out - it's usually someone in a box, or miming the constraints of a box. Okay, we get it - you're represented on a small tv screen and the film depicts you trapped inside a square. The meta-ness of it all overwhelms me.
But they did have good mini-roast beef sandwiches.